Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Fri­day 15 January

It is still the first week of term and I have had to deal with a most dis­con­cert­ing inci­dent in the show­ers. I heard gig­gling as I was pass­ing, went to inves­ti­gate, and to my absolute hor­ror, found Watkins and Wrig­glesworth, whom I had giv­en six of the best not half an hour before, com­par­ing their stripes. Unbe­liev­able behav­iour! Call me naive, but I had always imag­ined that a boy unlucky enough to be on the receiv­ing end of my senior cane would dis­play a decent pen­i­tence for at least the next twen­ty-four hours. This almost boast­ful parad­ing of well-marked bot­toms seemed dis­re­spect­ful of the entire process. I gave the lit­tle toer­ags a fur­ther six of the best apiece, with plen­ty of fol­low through, but how do I know they won’t go off and com­pare the NEXT set of marks? I feel almost phys­i­cal­ly sick at the prospect.


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